
Tuesday, December 24, 2024

In the year 2525...

 Seasons greetings all,

No update yet. I've been out of town on training courses and then catching up with all the backlogged work that caused, so haven't got an update prepared. I'm aiming to post something in the new year. Meantime, enjoy the holidays.

Saturday, August 10, 2024

 Bound by Stone Circles has been updated over in the Stories section. I've tried something a bit different this time. There's a PDF and an Epub version of the story, and they should provide different reading experiences.

The PDF format is intended to be for final document outputs and distribution, so is intended to maintain the designer's formatting and not be re-wrapped or re-flowed. While it works on PCs and tablets, this causes problems when viewed on phones. It IS possible to setup a PDF so it does re-flow, but from what I've seen it's finicky and some PDF viewers don't support it.

The Epub format is designed for reading on the move. It's not so good for professional layouts due to its flexibility shifting elements around depending on the viewer, which can break some things. However, for phones and other portable devices, this isn't a big issue. It also doesn't have as much browser support as PDF, so you might have to download a plugin or find a dedicated reader.

I was hoping to get some feedback on which version readers prefer. They're both straightforward enough to produce, so there's no real problem producing either. So, PDF or Epub? Fight!

Sunday, August 4, 2024

 There should be a new update coming soon. It's basically done and there're just a few loose ends to tie up, but there've been issues with my job security. I'm still waiting to hear if I'm going to get laid off, so that's still a dark cloud hanging over everything :/ But, I'll try to get something posted soon™.