
Tuesday, December 24, 2024

In the year 2525...

 Seasons greetings all,

No update yet. I've been out of town on training courses and then catching up with all the backlogged work that caused, so haven't got an update prepared. I'm aiming to post something in the new year. Meantime, enjoy the holidays.


  1. If man is still alive. Happy holidays Mr. Howell.

  2. Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year to you!

  3. Hope having a good christmas.Waiting your writeing.Exspecially CTK.

  4. Merry Holidays and a Happy New. I patiently wait for updates and happily wait for the eventual completion of Bound by Stone Circles. Do you have any way for us to show our appreciation/support?

    1. Hey, thank you for that. Now that Paypal has stopped accepting donation payments, it's a bit tricky. I could go to bitcoin, I guess. Otherwise something like Ko-fi or Givealittle might be options. Anybody out there have any experience or advice on options?

  5. Greetings from a far away country of Moldova! Yup, even here your works have managed to find its reader. I was thinking about how and where can I somehow get in touch with my new favourite author, and here I am, writing this comment.

    About two years ago I found and read first two books from Life of Riley series. Books that were not only fascinating with amount
    of details, attention to various bits and pieces, interesting and believable characters, engaging narrative, passion, of course lots of cats =) But also, they were a great example of how to write a good Isekai story. That was, and still is a rarity even today. In year 2025, I came back to G. Howell's writing, and finish reading everything he had available: from crazy Sci-fi set in Godsend universe, to Khely and his adventures in Human Memoirs, and of course Lies in Red Leaves. I really hope that there will be time, inspiration and motivation for you to continue your wonderful job on Godsend Book 2, Borderlines and Life of Riley series!

    Shame that there are no physical versions of your works available for purchase. I would've loved to add them to my collection of books.
    But regardless, thank you so much for doing what you been doing. I wish you all the best and hope that you will have a very productive and interesting year!

    1. Also, would you be so kind to tell if there are any options in which I can support your work? Donation link is not working from what I can see and there are no other options available.
