
Thursday, December 23, 2021

 That took longer than I wanted.

I''ve been poking and prodding at Lies in Red Leaves for a couple of months, trying to polish the ending to a suitable standard. Still not quite there, I think, but I wanted to get this out before Christmas. So... Merry Christmas, happy holidays, and enjoy the final part of the penultimate installment of the Life of Riley, now available in the local stories section. There's one book left to come, tentatively titled Stand in Endless Circle, but that might be... some time away. In the meantime, I want to catch up on some unfinished business in some different universes.

Saturday, July 31, 2021

Update time.

The long-awaited update to Lies in Red Leaves is available in the Stories section. Just be aware that Google has recently made some changes to Google Drive shares. This shouldn't affect the links for these documents, but if something isn't working just let me know. I've tested it and it seems to be okay, but these are the days of miracles and wonders.

And following this post there should be one more chapter in LiRL, and it'll be done. I do want to do some proofreading (and work on the cover) before posting to Amazon, so it will be while before it turns up there. And the next work in the pipeline will be... I'm not exactly sure. There's one more book in the Life of Riley to go, but there's also the end of Borderlines screaming for attention.

May the best man win.

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Okay. Not Dead. Yay.

Just putting that out there. I was thinking I might be able to get Lies in Red Leaves finished off with one more post. That didn't quite work out: there's more to close off than I initially figured. So there will be a penultimate update coming Very Soon™, and then a final one after that. Not an entire year after it - the timeframe should be more reasonable.