
Sunday, November 10, 2019

Update to Lies in Red Leaves over on the story page. I think there will likely be changes to this section. As it stands, I'm okay with it, but think it needs some streamlining.

And I believe this site supports mailing lists, so if there's enough interest I could implement that so people are notified when there's a new update. And in other news, breaking in a new keyboard feels weird.

Monday, October 21, 2019

I haven't forgotten. I've got something to post, I've just got to get it to a level I'm happy with. Soooon.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Aaaand there's a new update to Lies in Red Leaves over in the story section. I'm trying out a PDF format. I'm not that keen on it, especially since Adobe turned into Conglomo™ - We Own You™, but it's becoming pretty widely used. It has the advantages of looking like it's supposed to and supporting graphics. It has the disadvantages of, well, being a PDF. And I don't have Acrobat to make edits to the layout. So, see how it goes.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

An update to Lies in Red Leaves on the Stories page. I've also added in a few older stories and am in the process of making the site a little more attractive. That's gonna take a while.

Also, Google can't handle RTF files. Seriously? So, looking to switch to DOCX. And since I've got more space on storage here - GB rather than MB - I might dispose of the ZIPs as well. Unless someone can give me a good reason to keep them?

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Happy New Year and all that jazz.

Hopefully before I go back to work I'll be able to get some real updates done.