Intro Text

Welcome to the current home of my writing. Since my provider decided that the internet wasn't the place for personal homepages I had to find a new home for the stories. This may be a temporary home, or it might not. We'll see how it goes.

At the moment this site will be hosting my writing. There're some full-length novels in the stories section all in the Science Fiction and Fantasy genres. This content will be being fleshed out as I get around to transferring them and doing some formatting work to get the previews presentable. They're also up for sale on Amazon, so if you enjoy them you might want to consider buying as well.

Friday, December 23, 2022

That time of year again.

 Going to be a quiet holiday this year. Found out at the last second we've got that gift that keeps on giving in the family. Yep, covid in da house. So, it'll have to be a postponed family get-together this year. Le sigh.

In other news: there's a new story in the story section. Stand in Stone Circles has a few pages started. It's a v1, so there will be revisions and errors will abound. And I do have minor updates for Borderlines, but that will be posted later.  I do want to use the holiday season to do some cover artwork for LIRL and also do more work on Borderlines.

Anyway, these words are boring. More interesting ones in story section. Merry etc etc.